As you open up to messages from spirits, you’ll realize that a whiff of familiar perfume is old Aunt Agatha telling you she’s near, or that rustle of paper on your desk when there’s no breeze might be old Uncle George reminding you to attend to paperwork.
That shadow you see out of the corner of your eye moving toward the television might be Grandpa reminding you of a show you wanted to watch. Later you might be surprised as you close your eyes to sleep you see Grandma’s eyes smiling at you as you drift off. You’ll learn that those thoughts of “turn around” to behold a beautiful bed of flowered are gifts from spirits to brighten your day.
Or that sense they’re asking you to take a different route home helps you avoid an unpleasant experience. That wonderful comforting tingly warmth on your arms or shoulders are the hands of the spirits sending their most commonly given an important message of: “I am with you.”
The expectation is that spirits speak to us as someone would converse with us on the telephone. On occasion, it happens, but most often spirits communicate to us through all our senses of sight, sound, smell, feel and/or taste.
They may use one sense to communicate with us or all five at once. Additionally, each spirit has a way of communicating that will differ from another. It’s a matter of understanding that just as people communicate differently, so do spirits. Spirits just use more senses.
The most important thing to remember is that spirits always speak the truth, it’s the interpreter and their perceptions of what they’re picking up from spirits that can make mistakes in interpretation.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the spirits that come or you might not be family members. Or they might be family members you never met… a great aunt… or a great-great-grandfather. Spirits will give you indications of who they are, but you might have to do some research. They also might be spirit guides who help guide you through life that you’ve not known in this life but from another life.
There are different ways to open up to spirits. You can ask spirits for some indication that they are with you. More often than not, spirits are delighted to do some in any number of ways.
If you want to know more about the spirits in your life, get a psychic reading on 1-778-832-0118. We have genuine mediumship and channeling psychics that are ready to connect you with your loved ones.